Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A little off-topic, but not

Hey, all, this isn't quite related to the Workshop, but I figure this would be cool for those interested in helping out.

I've got a film shoot coming up. Still working on tying down locations, but it's gonna need to be shot quick. Pastor Tri wants to do a short film for next Sunday (not this, but next) that shows the "Please Forgive James" T-shirt in action. I was hoping to get to planning this sooner, but, well, if you know this church, you know how it is.

I'm working on the script as we speak, but I already know I need a few things, and if you can help, that'd be rad.

I need a woman in her mid-20s to play Ellie, the woman who will be ministered to. My writer's imagination is picturing her as blond right now, but don't let that stop you from askin'.

I need another woman, the PFJ "superstar". Ha, not really a superstar. I'm thinkin' she's mid-30s.

I need the voice of a gruff older man, Ellie's father (we only hear him on the phone).

I need two vehicles, one for each character. They will wreck, but not really (Ellie rear-ends the other woman's car -- we'll just hear the sound of it).

An apartment with a bedroom, bathroom, small kitchen.

Grocery store willing to let us shoot in and around their property. Maybe the Boise Co-op -- I'll be calling them today as they've been very kind to me in the past.

If you're interested, hit me back and let me know. I'll most likely need to shoot this Saturday (ha, nothing like a little pressure), so get back to me soon if you want to be a part of this. If you know someone who would be good for the roles described, you know what to do (get them in touch with me).

If there's a lot of interest in the roles, I will unfortunately have to just pick who I think best fits each role, and those who aren't picked to act will be more than welcomed (in fact, pleaded with) to help out behind the scenes.

That's all I can think of right now. Gotta finish the script! Ack!

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